
Understanding what it means to be sexually healthy is important for everyone, 不管是什么性取向. 卫生和保健办公室可以提供可靠的, 关于性健康的准确信息和教育. Peer Educators can also provide a group or organization with presentations on sexual health topics.

The 健康和保健办公室 can provide information that covers a wide variety of sexual health areas including abstinence, 性侵犯预防, 负责任的决策, 健康的关系, 安全套感知计划, 免费艾滋病毒检测.



1. Check expiration date and check if condom has air pocket in center. 好的避孕套中间总会有一个气囊
2. 唤醒/前戏
3. 安装
4. Push condom to one side of package and open carefully along perforated edge
5. 不要用牙齿、剪刀或其他尖锐的物体打开
6. 注意指甲和首饰
7. Visibly inspect condom for any obvious holes or perforations and to see if you are about to roll the condom on the right way.
8. Dab a TINY amount of water-based lubricant inside the condom or on the tip of the penis. REMEMBER that oil-based lubricants will break down the latex and cause the condom to break!
9. 捏住避孕套的尖端 (to create a space for the ejaculate to go)
10. 将安全套(顶端捏紧)放在勃起的阴茎顶端
11. 把避孕套一直滚到阴茎底部
12. 如果你不小心把避孕套戴反了(i.e.(它不会滚下阴茎),把避孕套扔掉,然后 换一个新的——不要继续使用同一个避孕套!
13. 弄平气泡
14. 双方同意的性行为(口交、阴道性交或肛交)
15. 射精
16. 在勃起丧失之前,握住安全套的底部并收回阴茎
17. 小心地取下避孕套,远离你的伴侣
18. 把避孕套扔进垃圾桶(不要冲进马桶)!
19. 用肥皂和水洗手
20. 在每一次性行为中重复这些步骤


1. Cutting the tip off of a condom and cutting the condom length-wise.
2. Cutting the fingers off of a latex glove and cutting the glove up the thumbs.
3. 用一块不能微波的保鲜膜


1. Check expiration date and check if condom has air pocket in center. 好的避孕套中间总会有一个气囊
2. 唤醒/前戏
3. 安装
4. Push condom to one side of package and open carefully along perforated edge
5. 不要用牙齿、剪刀或其他尖锐的物体打开
6. 注意指甲和首饰
7. Visibly inspect condom for any obvious holes or perforations and to see if you are about to roll the condom on the right way.
8. Dab a TINY amount of water-based lubricant inside the condom or on the tip of the penis. REMEMBER that oil-based lubricants will break down the latex and cause the condom to break!
9. 捏住避孕套的尖端 (to create a space for the ejaculate to go)
10. 将安全套(顶端捏紧)放在勃起的阴茎顶端
11. 把避孕套一直滚到阴茎底部
12. 如果你不小心把避孕套戴反了(i.e.(它不会滚下阴茎),把避孕套扔掉,然后
13. 弄平气泡
14. 双方同意的性行为(口交、阴道性交或肛交)
15. 射精
16. 在勃起丧失之前,握住安全套的底部并收回阴茎
17. 小心地取下避孕套,远离你的伴侣
18. 把避孕套扔进垃圾桶(不要冲进马桶)!
19. 用肥皂和水洗手
20. 在每一次性行为中重复这些步骤


1. 捏住避孕套的尖端 & 将避孕套放在勃起的阴茎顶端.
2. 把避孕套一直滚到阴茎底部. 如果你不小心把避孕套戴反了(i.e.,它就不会滚动
down the penis), THROW THE CONDOM AWAY and get a new one – DO NOT continue to use the same condom!
3. 弄平气泡.


1. Create a dental dam by cutting off the tip of the condom and cutting down side of condom. 打开并覆盖整个

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system. If HIV is not treated, it can lead to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Learning the basics about HIV can keep you healthy and prevent HIV transmission. This information 和更多的 about how HIV is transmitted can be found at the CDC Website:


Watch this video for a visual demonstration of how to properly put on a condom.  


The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) attacks specific white blood cells (CD4+ T cells) in the immune system, 这会抑制免疫系统(因此, “免疫缺陷”),所以它不能正常工作.


艾滋病是一种综合症, 这意味着它是由很多因素组成的, and is identified by a health care provider when a person living with HIV (who is "HIV positive") has at least one of the following:

  • A CD4+ T cell count of less than 200 cells/mm3 (normal is between 800 and 1200 cells/mm3)
  • 艾滋病的许多定义条件之一, as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1993.
  • 这些情况大多是“机会致病菌”," which means that they typically do not affect those with healthy immune systems. They have the opportunity to become pathogens in those with compromised immune systems, 比如艾滋病毒感染者.
  • 见的列表 种由艾滋病诱发条件.


  1. 无保护的性行为(口交、阴道性交和肛交)
  2. Injection drug use (sharing needles and other items used during drug use)
  3. Vertical transmission (from mother to child either during the actual birthing process or breastfeeding)
  1. 精液
  2. 阴道分泌物
  3. 母乳

也, synovial joint fluid and brain and spinal fluid (most people do not come into contact with these three fluids)


The window period is the time it takes for a person to produce detectable antibodies to HIV after transmitting HIV.

  • 在传播艾滋病毒后,这可能需要长达六个月的时间
  • Most people produce detectable antibodies within three months after infection

有些可能需要长达六个月的时间. 卫生与健康办公室使用“6个月窗口期”. 这意味着如果一个人在6个月的窗口期内, 她/他可能会收到阴性艾滋病毒检测结果, but really be positive because their body has not produced detectable antibodies. 因此, it is advisable that the person comes back to get re-tested outside of the 6-month window period.



艾滋病信息健康专家: 800.448.0440
疾病预防控制中心信息:  800.232.4636
美国疾控中心全国预防信息:  800.458.5231

Learn how you can protect yourself by reducing your risk of developing a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD).


避免性传播疾病最可靠的方法是不发生性行为. 这意味着不进行阴道、口交或肛交. 


Using a condom correctly every time you have sex can help you avoid STDs. 避孕套降低了感染所有性传播疾病的风险. 一步一步男用避孕套说明.


Reducing your number of sexual partners can decrease your risk of contracting an STDs. 你和你的伴侣接受检查仍然很重要, 互相分享你们的测试结果. 


Talk with your sexual partner(s) about STDs, and staying safe before having sex. 开始谈话可能会让人不舒服, 但保护你的健康是你的责任. 


最常见的性病可以通过疫苗预防. HPV疫苗是安全的, 有效的, and can help you avoid HPV-related health problems like genital warts and some cancers.


Many STDs don't have symptoms, but they can still cause health problems. To get tested, contact your healthcare provider, or consider the options below:

  • Free 艾滋病毒检测 at the 健康和保健办公室 419-372-9355
  • 猎鹰健康中心419-372-2271
  • 伍德县社区健康和保健中心419-354-9049
  • Toledo-Lucas County Health Department ($30 Comprehensive Screening) 419-213-4100


世界艾滋病日 is an international event dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection. On December 1 of each year people worldwide are given the opportunity to unite in the fight against HIV and show their support for people living with HIV.

Every year BGSU celebrates this day by hosting a panel discussion. This panel discussion covers HIV/AIDS issues and how BGSU students can help end AIDS.
